How to travel to the Stars
First if your unfamiliar with the concepts of interstellar space and the huge distances involved when travelling to another star, you should read the following articles. They will clearly illuminate why an advanced form of propulsion is required.
Astronomers Seek New Home Closer to Home.
The Washington Post. June 1, 2009.
Nearest Star System Might Harbor Earth Twin.
The first step to understanding a means to travel to another star is to understand the difficulties, limitations, and potential hazards. A look at all the present and proposed methods will provide a solid foundation with which to continue the explanation.The Washington Post. June 1, 2009.
Nearest Star System Might Harbor Earth Twin.
A basic overview of the problems is listed below:
- The speed of light barrier
- The immense distances involved
- Relativity
- Mass and Energy Requirements
- Time limitations and paradoxes
- Gravity
Links Explaining Present Interstellar Propulsion Techniques
This website is an excellent primer if your not up to date with current trends in space exploration and where the future may take us. Covers rockets to relativity. I wish I had the time to produce such information and am glad someone else has taken the time.Where is there a better place to start when discussing space exploration then the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA has an excellent site focusing specifically on new forms of space propulsion. The breakthrough propulsion program has been discontinued but represents the most recent legitimate attempt to bring about the discovery of a new technology:
NASA has more specific information about the requirements for interstellar travel at their Glenn Research Center site:
The PBS, NOVA web site has some good information published about interstellar travel on their web site:
The nonprofit Planetary Society has a large website with a specific section dealing with interstellar travel.
David Darling publishes a massive collection of information including his "Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy and Spaceflight" which covers all aspects of advanced space propulsion including proposed interstellar vehicles and current deep space missions. All known and proposed methods for interstellar travel are covered in the encyclopedia with many images and explanations. The link goes directly to the advanced propulsion concepts, alphabetical table of contents:
Laesie Works has a great page with many intersting flight and propulsion links and some of the more unique aerospace ventures of the past and the future.
An excellent article by Discover Magazine detailing the difficulties and present engineering solutions to Interstellar travel.
This website is an excellent primer if your not up to date with current trends in space exploration and where the future may take us. Covers rockets to relativity. I wish I had the time to produce such information and am glad someone else has taken the time.
And finally two articles which iare an excellent technical summary of the problems facing interstellar propulsion and the possible solutions being researched.
Complete List of Electric or Magnetic Space Propulsion Systems
- Electrothermal Thrusters
- Resistojet
- DC Arcjet
- AC Arcjet
- Magnetically Diffused & Magnetically Focused Arcjet
- E-Type KHz AC Electrodeless Gas Discharge Thruster
- H-Type KHz AC Electrodeless Gas Discharge Thruster
- Microwave Gas Discharge Thermal thruster (also called Microwave Electrothermal Thruster)
- Waveguide Thruster
- Resonant Cavity Coaxial Thruster
- Pulsed Microwave Electrothermal Thruster
- Supersonically Heated Microwave Electrothermal Thruster
- Laser Gas Discharge Thermal thruster
- Cyclotron Resonance Microwave Accelerators
- Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Thruster
- Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ICR) Thruster
- Whistler-wave Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heater (ECRH) Thruster
- Electrostatic Thrusters
- Surface Contact Ion Thruster
- Tungsten plate
- Tungsten Wire
- Porous Tungsten
- Electron Bombardment Thruster
- Magnetron Gaseous Discharge
- Filament Cathode
- Autocathode
- Oscillating Electron
- Magnetron Gaseous Discharge
- von Ardenne Low Pressure Duoplasmatron Arc Thruster
- Colloidal/Macromolecular Electrostatic Accelerators
- Atomizer Spray Charging of Dielectric Fluids
- Colloidal Condensation from Supersaturated Vapor
- via Supersonic Nozzle Geometry
- with ionization by Electron Bombardment
- with ionization by Corona Discharge
- via Condensation Shock Wave
- with ionization by Electron Bombardment
- with ionization by Corona Discharge
- via Supersonic Nozzle Geometry
- Ion nucleation of Pre-ionized Supersaturated Vapor Stream
- Surface Condensation of Supersaturated Vapor with perpendicular E-field Ionization
- Acceleration of pre-formed particles
- via Vaporization of a Solid (C60 Propulsion)
- via Mechanical Breakdown of a Solid
- via Liquid Chemical Reaction
- via Gaseous Chemical Reaction
- Surface Contact Ion Thruster
- Electromagnetic
- Steady State Electromagnetic Thruster
- External B-Field
- External Ionization Source
- Rectangular Channel Thruster
- Coaxial Channel Thruster
- Constant Cross-section Thruster
- Variable Cross-section Thruster
- Internal Ionization Source
- External Ionization Source
- Self-Induced B-Field
- Internal Ionization Source
- Rectangular Channel Thruster
- Coaxial Channel Thruster
- Constant Cross-section Thruster
- Variable Cross-section Thruster
- Internal Ionization Source
- MPD (Magnetoplasmadynamic) Arc Thruster (also called Thermionic Accelerator and High Impulse Arcjet)
- External B-Field
- Pulsed Plasma Thruster (Self-Induced B-Field)
- Direct Contact Electrode Discharge Thruster (Usually called "Pulsed Plasma Accelerators")
- Hybrid Coaxial Pinch Thruster
- Linear Pinch Thruster
- Coaxial Plasma "Gun"
- Parallel Rail Accelerator Gun
- "Button Gun"
- "T-Tube" Plasma Accelerator
- Solid Ablation Thruster
- Hydrodynamic Plasma Gun (developed for thermonuclear fusion experiments)
- Inductive Discharge Thruster(Usually called "Induction Accelerators")
- Theta Pinch Thruster
- Conical Pinch Thruster
- Loop induction Thruster
- Pulsed Inductive Thruster
- Direct Contact Electrode Discharge Thruster (Usually called "Pulsed Plasma Accelerators")
- Traveling Wave Accelerator
- Rectangular Channel Traveling Wave Thruster
- Cylindrical Channel Traveling Wave Thruster
- Cylindrical Duct Coil-driven Traveling Wave Accelerator
- Cylindrical Duct Helical Transmission Line Accelerator
- Coaxial Channel Traveling Wave Thruster
- Constant Cross-section Traveling Wave Thruster
- Variable Cross-section Traveling Wave Thruster
- Conical Duct Coil-driven Traveling Wave Accelerator
- RF Fringe Field Accelerator
- Glow Discharge Magnetic Expansion Thruster
- Rail Gun
- Hall Accelerator
- Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster
Vibrations, Harmonics and Standing Waves
Much can be said about these three concepts but there are much greater explanations on the internet than are provided here. Suffice it to say that vibration, harmonics and standing waves play a crucial role in the Universe around us. Vibrations occur in all things from the impossibly small frequencies in atoms and light to the unimaginable huge oscillations of stars and even entire galaxies. The harmonics of the world and space around us has been defined as the " Music of the Spheres " in which harmonies of nature are considered to be fundamental to the formation of all things. Standing waves concern waves which are contained and travel back and forth upon themselves so as to give the appearance as to not be moving anywhere. Resonance is defined in physics as the amplification of a natural vibration ( be it mechanical, magnetic or electrical ) by input of energy at the same vibrational rate as the natural vibration. The following brief physics tutorial covers resonance in greater detail:Although these articles deal with sound and music the principles of resonance apply to mechanical vibration, electrical vibration and magnetic vibration. An excellent example of resonance at work in an electromagnetic circuit is provided by this java applet called "Tuning a Radio Receiver" at the Molecular Expressions website. Radio circuits will be discussed in more detail in the next pages concerning electromagnetic fields and circuits.
Resonance and Feedback
Tp quickly explain the topic of feedback there is no better example of feedback and resonance in a natural system than the following image of a tornado. Whereas resonance allows the maximum amount of energy transfer between vibrating ( or rotating systems ) feedback occurs when a portion of the output of a system is fed back into the input of the system, increasing the systems total power. When combined together these two mechanisms have the potential to completely destroy the system in which they are operating. A common example of feedback involves the squealing of an amplifier when the microphone is brought to close to the speaker. The squeal is the amplifier going into "feedback oscillations" as output from the speaker is fed back into the microphone. This is considered a nuisance in audio amplification and the circuitry is prevented from overloading due to the design of the electronics. In nature however the principle of feedback is a source of tremendous power and growth.
Another simple example of feedback in nature would be a snowball thrown down a large hill, where under perfect conditions, it would accumulate more snow and more mass until it accumulated such a large amount of total energy the resulting snow could destroy a building. See the picture of optical feedback between a computer and camera on my cool pictures page which demonstrates how a simple feedback arrangement can cause an infinite loop of imagery ( which is an excellent test of video processor speed). This is how a small input force and small overall input energy over time can give rise to exponential increases in total energy. This is part of the secret to development of the huge energy requirements for interstellar travel.
Distinct banding on the inflowing air to a waterspout
This video should be called Dolphin Scientists
Check out the physicss these dolphins are playing with. Notice the behavior of the air in the bubbles the dolphins make. The bubbles move with amazing simplistic beauty, doing things air does not normally do underwater. For a physicist these bubbles have multiple degrees of motion, and many forces involved, which make this simple thing, exceedingly difficult to model. When the bubbles are destroyed, the air behaves completely as we would expect, quickly rising to the surface. Absolutely amazing.
rinciples of Electromagnetodynamics
These three applets concern the generation of AC and DC electricity and the reciprocal of generation, Lenz's law which is how motors are driven with electricity. The electromagnetodynamic diagram shows the relative relationship of the three fields of force, electric field in blue, magnetic field in red, and the resultant force or "mechanical field" in green. In all cases where an electric field exists perpendicular to a magnetic field there will be this associated force.( although the related force has not been shown in all the graphics and animations on this website )Electromagnetodynamic Force
The Motor generator Principle
Electromagnetic Field of a Current in a Coil
Physics Animations of Electric Motor Principles
Physics Animations of Electric Motor Principles from the University of Sydney.
Physics Animations of Electric Motor Principles from the University of Sydney.
Besides these common applications of generation and motive power from electricity ( which exist in everything from an electric toothbrush to a portable RV electrical generator, there are some more unusual applications of the motor principle, or Lenz's law. By examining some of the most complex uses of electromagnetism for motors and pumps, some very unusual and counter-intuitive applications of electromagnetic fields for propulsion will become apparent.
Motor/Generator Principle
Creative Engineers Image
Flat Linear Induction Pump for Molten Aluminum
Magnetohydrodynamics is a field of magnetic pumping which uses the Lenz law to pump liquids using only an electromagnetic field. This unique concept allows magnetohydrodynamics to pump conducting liquids with absolutely " No Moving Parts !"There is simply a changing electromagnetic field developed through the medium being pumped which will cause it to move. The most common application of these electromagnetodynamic pumps is in the metal industry where molten metal can be pumped and stirred without contact, right through the walls of the vessel containing the molten metal. Pumps of this type are utilized in nuclear reactors where liquid sodium is pumped through the reactor core for cooling. The high temperature and reactivity of this molten salt would destroy any normal impeller. By pumping right through the walls of the piping the dangerously radioactive salt is isolated from the pumps themselves which is beneficial for safety and maintenance reasons. In fact, the rate of flow of these liquids can be measured without contact with the liquid by applying the reverse of this principle.
The links below will introduce the Alternating Current Conduction Pump, which is unusual in it provides a unidirectional force from an alternating electromagnetic field, and some of the other more specialized and complicated magnetohydrodynamic designs, including those for ship and submarine propulsion.
An excellent description of AC conduction pumps
Diagrams of the Major Types of MHD Pumps
from the Handbook of Electromagnetic Pump Technology
Check out the AC conduction pump!
from the Handbook of Electromagnetic Pump Technology
Check out the AC conduction pump!
My Homebuilt DC Conduction Pump ( water all evaporated out )
A 1967 Magnetohydrodynamic Submarine
Note there are no propulsion intakes nor exhausts, no moving parts and no onboard propellant and no engine.
The sub operates as the armature of a motor, the seawater as a stator.
Another Type of Electromagnetic Submarine the EMS-1
Capacitive/Inductive Circuits
Radio Circuit
It works in the following manner. The electric charge is stored in the capacitance and initializes current flow into the inductor as the charge attempts to neutralize in the capacitance. Once the current reaches its maximum the capacitance is now uncharged and the magnetic field is at maximum. As the magnetic field collapses it recharges the capacitance through its desire to maintain current flow until the capacitor is recharged with the opposite polarity. Once the magnetic field completely collapses the capacitor has reached its maximum charge. The cycle then repeats in the opposite direction causing an alternating electromagnetic field in the antenna. This oscillation can be maintained through the introduction of a resonant signal which has greater power than the losses of the system. Since power transfer is at a maximum to this system only when the input power frequency is the same as the natural harmonic of the tank, a tank can be tuned to a selective frequency. By adjusting the tuning of the tank circuit, selective frequencies can be tuned in.
In most radio systems the goal is reception or transmission of this electromagnetic energy. Many similarities lie between this simple circuit and the main propulsion circuit of the OVAL interstellar device. However the main difference is that the starship is designed for the purpose of ampifying and storing electromagnetic energy , not for transmission or reception. Radiation is considered as a loss to the design of this system.
In order to accomplish this storage with great efficiency the characteristics of two of the vehicles components must be understood. A capacitor when fully charged has very little external electrical field ( depending on how perfectly it is designed). For inductance, it is the toroidial coil which accomplishes the feat of magnetic containment. A perfectly designed toroid had no external magnetic field. Although absolute perfection cannot be achieved, very high efficiencies of internal field containment are possible with a capacitor and toroid. ( higher than 90% )
Thus the OVAL starship uses its capacitive shells and toroidial inductor to store within its own components an alternating electromagnetic field. Due to the designed orientation of the toroid and capacitance a large percentage of the electric field is perpendicular to the magnetic field. this brings into effect the principles of electromagnetodynamics discussed previously. In this manner the vehicle creates a huge resonant electromagnetic tank in which the electric and magnetic fields are physically perpendicular to each other which in turn brings into play the principles of electromagnetodynamics. To continue on the explanation of this systems method of operation a more thorough understanding of the electromagnetodynamics of light is required.
Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet and Torus
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum encompasses an infinite band of frequencies and wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. The light we see with our eyes, and everything form radio waves to x-rays falls within the (EM) spectrum. This link will show two images; one of the various spectrum of light emitted by the sun and where they fall on the ( EM ) spectrum and the other a specific detail of the current division in a small section of the radio spectrum.The scope and divisions of the EM spectrum are evident from these pictures. More importantly it should be realized any discussion of interstellar travel requires an intimate understanding of light. Light is an electromagnetic wave. All electromagnetic radiation ( light included ) is thought to consist of electromagnetic waves commonly represented by the following graphic:
Where the red "E" lines represent the plane of the electric wave traveling through spacer and the blue "B" lines represent the plane of the magnetic wave traveling through space. (Note however this website denote all electrical fields as blue and all magnetic fields as red, with mechanical field energy in green )
The wave travels in the direction of the "x" axis.
This simple animation demonstrates how an electromagnetic wave is thought to travel through space. The red lines represent the magnetic field lines which exist 90 degrees from the electric field lines in blue. Both the electric and magnetic field lines are 90 degrees from the direction of travel of the wave.
The Sonic Spectrum
Besides the electromagnetic spectrum there is another complete spectrum which is in need of introduction. The sound, phononic or mechanical wave spectrum. This phononic type of spectrum is considered as the total range of mechanical waveforms which are indirectly related to the electromagnetic spectrum. By indirect relation it is meant they are in proportion to but ninety degrees out of phase to both the electric and magnetic components of the electromagnetic spectrum. Unlike the transverse nature of the electromagnetic waves these mechanical or phononic waveforms are longitudinal in nature.Presently the sound spectrum covers a relatively small band of frequencies and wavelengths when compared to the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is considered to extend from extremely long wavelengths of kilometers ( less than 1 Hz )or more to extremely short wavelengths of million, millionths of a meter( a million billion Hz ). The sound spectrum is only spoken of as ranging from Infrasound (-100Hz )to Ultrasound ( 1 billion Hz ). Although at present there is always a medium required which can be mechanically manipulated by a sound wave the electromagnetic waves are thought to create their own medium. The current relationships of sound to electromagnetism and the existence of a much broader range of sound waves, phonic type energy or mechanical waves will be in need of some serious revision in the near future.
The suggestion made here is," There is another complete spectrum of logitudinal or mechanical waveforms lying in complete correlation and related to the electromagnetic spectrum." In fact relativity proves that mass and inertia can exist as a distortion or warp of space/time. Thus the framework of relativity lays down the mechanism for vacuum or empty space to propagate gravitational vibrations, which can easily be generalized as mechanical vibrations or mechanical longitudinal waveforms. Although the mathematical characteristics of the medium of space/time are somewhat known and defined scientists are still in the process of developing a method to detect these faint changes in density or gravity. Therefore this concept of a longitudinal spectrum in space/time does not contradict any known physics theories but does introduce a novel way of visualizing the transfer of gravitational and mechanical energy throughout space/time and its exact relationship to electromagnetism. Most recently the theory of " Quantum Loop Gravity " and other unified field theories have begun to explore this very interconnection
The Wave/Particle Nature of Light
The Photon/Phonon Nature of Light
The Photon/Phonon or
Wave/Particle Nature of Light
If we apply some these recently discussed priciples of electromagnetodynamics to a photon of light some interesting conclusions and insightful ideas can be revealed.Since a light wave travelling through space, as shown in the previous animation and images, is thought to consist of an electric and a magnetic wave orientated perpendicular to each other. ( 90 degrees out of phase ) then the rules of electromagnetodynamics most assuredly apply to these fields. A photon of light due to its own electromagnetic field will always have an associated dynamic component.
This dynamic component is ninety degrees to both the electric and magnetic components and is represented in physics by the Pyointing vector denoted by the symbol ( S ). It has been proven the mechanical energy or momentum of a photon can be represented by the surface integral of the electromagnetic field of the photon ( S ). A much simpler way to visualize this relationship is to consider the electric field, the magnetic field and the momentum or " Mechanical field " as each occupying one of the three dimensions of space.
Because our Universe is known to be observationally three dimensional there most likely exists three fields of force which define and maintain this dimensionality. Due to the fundamental nature of photons it can be suggested the field of electrical force and the field of magnetic force, which always exist in a two dimensional arrangement in space are what define two of these spatial dimension. The third dimension is indirectly related to the electromagnetic fields and itself occupies the third dimension of space. All regions of space/time, including masses, can be defined in this simple manner, by the sum of the fields occupying that region of space. However it should be pointed out that although two of these fields are electromagntic in nature, if these fields are considered to be co-rotating the external electromagnetic field would be zero.( a special case which would still posses energy or mass and yet appear to posses no electric nor magnetic field ) Another special case would be one in which the resultant force or mechanical wave is circular( as in angular momentum ) with an associated electric or magnetic field but not both.
The following animations demonstrate the relationships between these electromagnetic and mechanical fields.
The Logitudinal
The Electric Wave
The Magnetic Wave
Graphs of the Three Primary Trigonometry Functions
These fundamental laws of dimensionality and the fields defining them are a simple progression from Maxwell's laws which can be represented by a mathematical animation. The mathematical relationship of the three fields defining all regions of energy and mass in space/time can be represented by the following animation of the wave nature of light.( figure 1) It shows the electric field in blue, the magnetic field in red and the related resultant mechanical moment, gravitational potential or accelerating force in green.
Relationship of
electromagnetic fields
to the velocity
in a photon of Light
Thus not only do changing magnetism and changing electric field produce each other ( as per Maxwell's equations ) but a combination of electric field and magnetism produces change or movement of the fields themselves. This can be simplified into the statement, "Any changing electromagnetic field has the requirement of possesing an associated gravitational field." However, as will be shown, a gravitational field can exist independent of any electromagnetic field. Like electric field is associated with static charge, and magnetic field can be associated with static magnetic field, similarly there is an associated static case for gravitational field, mass.
Formula for the magnitude and direction of the longitudinal waveform. Notice the arctan is required to calculate the direction.
The simplicity of this solution and the answers it provides has given me confidence this is the real nature of space/time. It provides explanations for many previously unexplained phenomon and allows the long sought Unification of gravitational field and electromagnetic field. Thus one possible definition for gravitational field can be defined as the acceleration producing the propogation of light. As shown by the electromagnetodynamics of the magnetohydrodynamic AC conduction pump, even though an electromagnetic field is an alternating occillation, this electromagnetic occillation will still produce a unidirectional ( although pulsating ) acceleration. This can be demonstrated immediatly using the right hand rule for electromagnetic fields. If the direction of both the magnetic and electric fields are switched, the resultant force will be in the same direction. Counter intuitive, but true nonetheless.
An article about Leo Szilard who worked with Albert Einstein
to develop an electromagnetic pump with no moving parts.
The animation( figure 1 ) demonstrates the indirect relationship between the electromagnetic field( in red and blue ) and the Kinetic Energy or motion( in green ). Mathematically the relationship between electromagnetic field and the kinetic energy transformation is easily demonstrated with simple triginometry. The electric wave is the sine wave, the magnetic wave is the cosine wave and the mechanical wave( or velocity ) is the tangent. The boundary defined by the tangent, defines the limits of the kinetic motion of the electromagnetic wave. Using trigonometry it would seem the relationship is direct. ( As the electromagnetic energy increases, the kinetic energy increases. As the electromagnetic energy decrease, the kinetic energy decreases. ) So trigonometry represents the three dimensional nature of the Universe itself. ( This is why it was considered such sacred knowledge by Hermes Trimegistus. ) The two most fundamental forces in nature, are not electromagnetism and gravity, the two most fundamental forces are electromagnetism and a force of motion or kinetic energy. Gravity is a special case of this acceleration, for not all acceleration is due to gravity, so gravity is in no way fundamental to all acceleration. Motion or movement or kinetic energy is more fundamental than develop an electromagnetic pump with no moving parts.
There are three dimensions, which define any volume in Space. The electric field is one dimension, the magnetic field is one dimension, and there is a third field of force which is one dimension. These three dimensions define the extent and properties of any three dimensional volume of space. Each dimension of space is 90 degrees out of phase with the other two dimensions of space. This is pure trigonometry. The first dimension is the sine, the second dimension is the cosine, and the third dimension is the tangent. Thus the tangent is in complete opposition to the sine and cosine, being 90 degrees out of phase from both.
In fact, as the electromagntic field increases, there must be a corresponding increase in the Space/Time stress in the region of Space/Time effected by this field. The force contributed to the gravitational field is due to stress in Space/Time, but does not itself stress the Space/Time. Mass stresses the Space/Time, due to the kinetic energy which defines this mass. The actual physical geometry of the stress, is electromagnetic in nature. Thus we have a relationship between electromagnetic field and all dynamic motion or kinetic energy. In this context, the gravitational field is a secondary force, due to the motion or acceleration or dynamic movement caused by the electromagnetic field. I hope you see how this concept greatly simplifies our understanding of light( electromagntic field ) and how it propogates through space. It is propogated not through purely electromagnetic action, but through a relationship of electromagnetic action to movement and kinetic energy itself. The speed of light, is a speed limit on electromagnetic stress only.
Maxwell wrote four equations which defined electromagnetic fields. All electromagnetic fields can be mathematically explained with his four formula. They basically say the following:
- Electric fields start on a charge and extend into space, or to another charge.
- Magnetic fields are continuous and always have a north and south pole.
- A changing electric field creates a magnetic field.
- A changing magnetic field creates an electric field.
- Mass is a measure of electromagnetic and kinetic energy.
- A change in mass is a change in kinetic energy.
- A change in the kinetic energy is a change in mass.
- A static electric field must start and end on a mass.
- A static magnetic field starts and ends on a mass.
- A change in kinetic energy will not always produce a change in the electromagnetic field.
- A changing electromagnetic field always produces a change in kinetic energy.
- A changing magnetic field produces an electric field.
- A changing electric field produces a magnetic field.
- Gravity is due to kinetic energy and mass
- An electromagnetic field always has gravity, because it has kinetic energy
The kinetic field is longitudinal pressure waves in Space/Time, similar to how sound is a longitudinal pressure wave in air. The particle nature of light is due to the kinetic energy component of the electromagnetic wave.
Speed of Light Related to the
Permeabillity and Permeativity of Free Space
According to Maxwell's Formula
As you wil see be reading the following documents, this is not my idea, nor is it the first time it has been considered. I am mearly trying to bring this complicated science to light, in a less complicated way.
Possibly the most comprehensive evaluation of a link between electromagnetism and gravity in existence to date.
This is a serious mathematical research funded by the United States Air Force to examine the possiblity of creating a new form of propulsion using knowledge of a means to effect gravity through electromagnetism.It is no coincidence this paper discusses the arctan potential.
Electric Propulsion Study
Prepared for
Air Force Space Technology Center
This is a serious mathematical research funded by the United States Air Force to examine the possiblity of creating a new form of propulsion using knowledge of a means to effect gravity through electromagnetism.It is no coincidence this paper discusses the arctan potential.
Prepared for
Air Force Space Technology Center
Took me a while to get through this paper. This theory is referenced in the previous paper. This paper is a complete, and entirely successful rewrite of physics from a purely thermodynamic perspective. Again demonstrating a link between what we know of gravitational field and electromagnetic field. This paper has been successfully peer reviewed many times, and yet remains largely unknown.
Electromagnetodynamics Formula
From The Dynamic Theory - Pharis E. Williams
"V x S+(0.5)o/dt(B^2+E^2)-E x (E-V x B )= 0
This means that interesting energy and momentum flows are expected for E x E tarms and E x V x B terms. In other words, where the electric fields are rapidly changing or where there is a curI (rotation) of the magnetic field reacting with electric fields. (The electric field should be perpendicular to the axis of rotation.) These areas have been exactly where anomalous experimental claims have occurred. The E x E term will be considered in the Biefield-Brown discussion for charging capacitors. The curl term is curious. It may be an expression that may come to bear in rapidly rotating systems of magnets. Notice a rnpidly rotating magnet reacts somewhat like a charge. The E x V x B term is a triple scalar product. It is the same as the divergence of the Poynting vector( S )."
That one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum, without the mediation of any thing else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to the other, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it.
- Sir Issac Newton
- Sir Issac Newton
This following invention is considered impossible within current electromagnetodynamic theory, yet its operation is immediatly understood when considered using the above ideas. Although the electromagnetic forces are confined to a closed system, the kinetic energy or momentum of this energy, is not so confined. There is a third component of the electromagnetic energy, the kinetic energy, which can and does produce a propulsive force without reaction mass. The device works, but not quite how the inventor explains it. The key is understanding the properties of waveguides. This waveguide design acts like a asymetric capacitor with a fixed inductance. Due to how waveguides operate, there is very little electromagnetic field interaction with the tapered walls of the waveguide, only the parrellel reflective ends experience any degree of electromagnetic force. There is not a unifrom intensity of electromagnetic field within this device, due to the commonly known properties of all waveguides.
Electromagnetism and Gravity
To grasp electromagnetic propulsion, the only thing you need to learn is the Right Hand Rule for the Lorentz Force. All electromagnetic propulsion, generators and motors rely upon this rule to operate. The right hand rule applies to all volumes of Space/Time, including the Earth. You can use the right hand rule to show the Lorentz force as the cause of the Earth's rotation, which you can see for yourself.You can see for yourself the direction of the magnetic field acting on your body right now, with a compass, and you will find the magnetic field acts in the North/South direction or dimension. Most people do not know there is a huge electrical field acting in the vertical or Up/Down direction or dimension( much stronger than gravity). Lightning, tether generation and atmospheric electricity are examples of this electrical potential around the Earth. If you stick a wire in the ground and support the other end high in the air, it will produce electrical power( about 100V/ meter of wire in fact ).
Knowing the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the electric field acting upon you, we can use the Right Hand Rule to predict the direction of the Lorentz Force. The right hand rule predicts the force will be in the East/West direction, which is the direction in which the Earth rotates. So using the Right Hand Rule, we can see the fundamental forces at work which define the space you sit in right now. The concepts may seem somewhat abstract to you at first, but what I am saying is backed by Lorentz and Einstein, not contradictory to it. This is a simpler way of understanding the world around us, not another complex hard to understand theory.
The only thing confusing about the Right Hand Rule is there are a few different explanations of it online. Sometimes it is called Flemings Left Hand Rule, and there is another right hand rule for showing the direction of a magnetic field around a current, which is a little different. Basically, the right hand rule is a way to show forces in three different dimensions, x/y/z or Up/down Left/Right Front/Back, by pointing the digits of your hand in three different directions. The Lorentz equation states there is a specific relationship between these three forces, which always act according to this rule. They sometimes call this crossed fields or BxB or ExB or ExE where B represents the magnetic field and E or I(current) represents the electric field. The force is usually an F or v for force or velocity.
Figure 1 summarizes the key electromagnetic interactions known to science. All these interactions are utilized in the OVAL interstellar propulsion system, which required the previous explanations and discussions of electromagnetic theory. In this diagram, the final type of electromagnetic field is termed Vortexmal, for lack of a better name. This unique arrangement of electric and magnetic fields in co-rotation, produces a unidirectional Lorentz force upon the electromagnetic fields themselves. One could call this special arrangement of fields whatever they want, just know the existance of this unique arrangement of electromagnetic fields is very real.
We see a much better representation of this same exact case of co-rotating electric and magnetic fields in Figure 2. We can have a rotating electric field in the same plane of rotation as a rotating magnetic field. This specific arrangement and rotation of electromagnetic fields, induces a Lorentz force upon those fields. This is absolutely true and proven within current electromagnetic theory. We see a real example of this concept occuring in the alternating current conduction pump, in which the electromagnetic fields alternate but the pumping force is unidirectional. The Lorentz force is the fundamental principle behind all modern electric motors and generators. It is a well known physical law.
Figure 2
Rotating Electromagnetic Field
Of most important note is that although electromagnetic fields are involved in this particular situation, we would have difficulty measuring any static electromagnetic fields external to this system. The electromagnetic field around this system is in alternation, and does not appear as a static electric or magnetic field. Just like an atom is considered electrically neutral although it is composed of separate protons and electrons in motion, which must have an associated electric and magnetic field. We find the characteristics of this type of electromagnetic field, depends more upon on the rate of rotation and intensity of the electromagnetic fields. We see in this system, there is not really any specific direction to the magnetic field or the electric field, because they are both in rotation. Thus in this case the electromagnetic fields themselves can not be the only consideration. More importantly we must consider the rate of rotation and the resulting Lorentz force of these fields, in order to accurately predict what will happen external to this system.
What this special case suggests is a "density" or concentration of co-rotating electromagnetic fields can and does exist in nature. Huge quantities of electromagnetic energy can exist in rotation, in a confined space, without reacting in an ordinary electromagnetic sense. In fact, what we find is we must consider the "kinetic energy" or "momentum" induced by the electromagnetic Lorentz forces. These Lorentz forces are real forces which can and do accelerate or decelerate mass and electromagnetic energy. These Lorentz forces due to electromagnetic fields will apply not only on small atomic or subatomic scales but on macroscopic scales as well. In fact this type of electromagnetic field producing Lorentz forces ( or electromagnetodynamic field ), can exist across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. These Lorentz forces provide the mechanism for transfer of momentum, a better definition of mass, and a much better understanding of gravity. The link between quantum mechanics and relativistic mechanics requires the introduction of a third field of force which itself is not electromagnetic, but kinetic. It seems we need to consider the existance of a field of force, or logitudinal waveforms in space, as well as the transverse electromagnetic waves.
The OVAL space propulsion system applies this concept of an induced Lorentz force using powerful co-rotating electromagnetic fields. Of most important note is that although this form of interstellar propulsion is utilizing electric and magnetic fields, the key is to contain the electromagnetic fields so there is no electromagnetic field radiated by the space vehicle. It is using a rapidlly alternating, contained electromagnetic field to induce an electromagnetic field in the space external to the vehicle. Thus the vehicle is acting like the armature of an electric motor, and the external environment is reacting as the stator. Thus this system is utilizing a more direct and fundamental means of propulsion. In fact, we find the Lorentz equations of electromagnetodynamics to be the theory from which came modern Relativity. Lorentz forces do indeed lie at the heart of modern scientific theory.
Induction Drive
Induction driving refers to the ability of a system to create a direct reaction against Space/Time itself. A simple experiment with a solenoid chronograph proves that there is a direct relationship between all movement and the electromagnetic field. This relationship is especially true when the movement is occurring within an ambient electromagnetic field already, which in nearly all cases it is. Consider a magnet falling through a solenoid and a solenoid falling onto a stationary magnet. Both cases will induce current within the solenoid despite the relative differences in the motion. The principle and reaction are the same. In fact even for substances considered "non-magnetic" there is sufficient electromagnetodynamic reactance to measure a weak current flow with sensitive enough measuring equipment. We may quite correctly consider electromagnetic fields to be the primary resistance against acceleration. In fact for a reverse of this experiment consider the ability to levitate non-magnetic materials in an intense magnetic field. There is a documented case in which a living frog was suspended in this fashion. The relationship between magnetism, electricity, and momentum or kinetic forces define the fundamental physical structure and interrelationships of our Universe. Any 3 dimensional volume in Space/Time will be its very definition, require three physical forces to define this volume. Each force acts in one of the three dimensions, defining the volume of Space/Time. Even what we consider as "Empty" space, must still have physical properties and characteristics if it occupies a volume of Space/Time. There can be nothing in the Universe which does not occupy a volume of Space/Time. By understanding the physcial properties of Space/Time, we can manipulate these forces and thus manipulate Space/Time.This is a unique method of imparting motion. In technical terms this propulsion system could be called a One Inductor Drive. Only through contained, harmonic, resonant amplification and feedback of the electromagnetic field, to extreme levels, will sufficient magnitude of Lorentz force be developed for propulsion. This space propulsion system has more in common with magnetohydrodynamic submarine propulsion and musical instruments, than it has with any rocket or jet technology. You might even loosly describe it as a cross between a nuclear submarine, a magnetic resonance imaging machine and an alternating current conduction magnetohydromagnetic pump.
The induction drive can be considered the engine or means of propulsion for the space propulsion systems described on this website. However, the one inductor drive described is only one device out of many different designs which could produce or utilize these same propulsive effects. There are likely hundreds of different systems and devices which could apply the concepts proposed here. Induction drive is the mechanism and revolutionary breakthrough required for mankind to begin to explore extreme distances in outer space.
Summary of Space System Operation
The system shown and described within this website represents many years of research and work. To summarize many years of understanding into a couple of paragraphs is a difficult process prone to inevitable miscommunication. As stated many times previously, comprehension of this system will necessitate an understanding of the interrelationships of all the material discussed.A breakdown of the usage of electrical energy and how it is transduced to induce motion follows:
Initially a large electrical impulse is generated by the power shaping electronics of the craft and the large on board power source. This electromagnetic impulse is applied to the base of the main power pole and will travel throughout the vehicle from that point. Any significant feature or dimension will be a harmonic measure based on this initial input point. Power distribution throughout the vehicle is simple, based on harmonic interaction due to distances from the source. This impulse is repeated in time with the natural electrical harmonics within the vehicles components. These repetitive inputs will oscillate between the main power shell and the stern spheroids of the craft, back and forth through the main power pole. Repetitive impulses at this natural harmonic and sub-harmonics will increase the total strength of the oscillating energy. The total field strength can be decreased through dissonant impulses being introduced or increased through resonant impulses. This field of energy can be likened to the creation of a powerful tornado of electromagnetic energy encompassing the entire mass of the spacecraft. The difference is the energy does not technically rotate or occillate but forms a powerful standing wave condition.
The Propulsion system uses this "contained" resonant electromagnetic field to induce a mechanical impulse on the external reference frame through induction. Outwardly no electromagnetic oscillation would be apparent ( outwardly neutral ) as a standing wave condition would exist within the power pole and connected drive components. The main coil ( figure 3 ) which is inductively coupled with the main pole will receive magnetic impulses from the oscillations in the main pole, but due to its design will not re-radiate said impulses. In this way the main coil essentially acts as a magnetic pressure tank and will increase in magnetic field intensity as long as further impulses occur ( which are greater than the coils internal losses, suggesting the use of super conduction ). Likewise the main power pole, main coil, capacitive elements and input power from the power shaping system allow the vehicle to act like a huge radio frequency laser or raser, where stimulated emission of radio energy occurs further enhancing the strength of the electromagnetic field. Thus energy required for traveling a distance through space is stored up over time. This negates the need for an overly large on board source of power or fuel.
Since the overall layout of the electric and magnetic components puts all electrical fields out of phase with all magnetic fields ( by ninety degrees ) and a large percentage of the total electromagnetic field is orientated ninety degrees to the vertical axis of the vehicle, there is an associated Lorenz or Lenz force produced by these fields ( figure 1 and figure 2 ). The arrangement of the main coil and the main pole contribute greatly to the power of this effect. This force is generated similarly to the magnetohydrodynamic AC conduction pump or an electronic high power version of the helical induction pump. The difference is the fields are contained, circular and generate primarily internal impulses( external impulses are considered a loss ). The propulsion system can be loosely considered as a type of electromagnetic helicopter, where the blades are electromagnetic fields and can be rotated at much higher rates and the total power can be many times greater. As a general comparison consider that an ordinary helicopters rotors maximum rpm is maybe 5000 whereas with this system the comparable rpm would be around 50 million rpm. Another difference is the fields rotate or counterotate internally generating a more pure form of reactionary motion. This is the secret of propellentless propulsion.
As the electromagnetic impulses augment ( or continue to feedback and constructively amplify ) the resultant total impulse force generated by the portion of electromagnetic field in the Lorenz configuration increases. The rate of the mechanical impulses generated is the same as the rate of the initial electromagnetic impulses, which is the same as the rate of electromagnetic oscillation in the main pole, which is the same as the rate of oscillation in the main coil which all combined at such a high frequency )result in the production of a relatively constant force. It should be stressed again that not only are the electromagnetic resonance characteristics taken into account but the mechanical resonances of the impulse frequency must also be considered. Thus the sizes and ratios of all the components and materials as well as there electric, magnetic and mechanical reactance must be carefully calculated. Through the phase relationships and power storage of the aft spheroids, main coil, and the main power shell and the control over these relationships by the power shaping systems, manipulation of the electromagnetodynamic field produced by the craft can be modified for intelligent navigation and control.
Albert Einstein and the Mathematics Interstellar Propulsion
The theories of Albert Einstein and Lorentz define the theoretical framework within which this space propulsion system operates. There exists direct observable, real world applications and consequences of relativity and the strong suggestion of a unified nature to our Universe. Although many physicists would disagree, there exists considerable evidence to support the fact that Albert Einstein did indeed produce an involved form of his "Unified Field Theory For Gravitation and Electromagnetism." The exact mathematical proof was perhaps not entirely worked out ( or at least not published in its entirety), but it was worked out to the point where it could predict observations and suggest possible experiments( atomic energy being a good example).It has been ascertained one of the motivating factors for Mr. Einstein's work on the Unified Field Theory was for his desire to develop some framework within which an advanced space propulsion system could be realized, especially a system which could cover vast interstellar distances. One of Einstein's famous thought experiments questioned how exactly an electron can traverse immense distances between atoms at incredible velocities which, if considered on a macroscopic scale, is akin to our Earth traversing the distance to another solar system. Indeed within relativity is is impossible for any amount of electric forces to accelerate even the small mass of the electron to velocities near the speed of light. There still remain many unresolved contradictions within modern scientific understanding.
Please read the following copy of Albert Einstein's "Unified Field Theory of Gravitation and Electricity" and his 1929 New York Times article about his Unified Field theory for a glimpse into the far reaching implications of this brilliant mathematical work. Einstein's himself explains how in order to unify gravity and electromagnetism the theory suggests there might exist an ordered harmonic mechanical field pattern as well as the quantum electromagnetic pattern. This third mechanical field of force would limit the probabilities of quantum theory. This in itself a revolutionary idea which greatly simplifies our understanding of the Universe.
Possibly the most comprehensive evaluation of a link between electromagnetism and gravity in existence to date. This is a serious mathematical research funded by the United States Air Force to examine the possiblity of creating a new form of propulsion using knowledge of a means to effect gravity through electromagnetism.
Electric Propulsion Study
Prepared for
Air Force Space Technology Center
Electric Propulsion Study
Prepared for
Air Force Space Technology Center
Another serious study on the ability of electromagnetic fields to manipulate inertia.
Propellantless Propulsion by Electromagnetic Inertia Manipulation.
Experiment and Study
By Hector Hugo Brito
Propellantless Propulsion by Electromagnetic Inertia Manipulation.
Experiment and Study
By Hector Hugo Brito
Secret to Breaking the Light Barrier
The simplest solution to breaking the light barrier, is to not break it at all. If accelerating to near light speed presents such huge difficulties than why not simply attempt the opposite, deceleration. Even better, would be to nullify the mass of the vehicle entirely or directly control the kinetic energy of a vehicle. If there is no mass, or no inertia, than there is no longer a speed of light limit. The physics community is beginning to warm to the idea of warp travel. There has been a call for papers, and many great ideas are coming forth in this field. The scientists are doing the math on warp travel, and discovering it may no longer be just science fiction.
Figure 7
Relativity and the Speed of Light
In a manner of speaking we are warp travelling right now. Although we cannot feel it, the Earth is rotating at an immense velocity, and travelling through space at an even higher velocity. We live in an inertial reference frame, or bubble of energy blasting through space. If the forces defining this reference can be altered, the concept of velocity and speed would no longer apply.
Trying to break through the light barrier is like trying to go in through an out door. Obviously there will be a huge energy requirement to "smash" through a barrier with brute force. The energy requirements are much less when the "door" is opened the right way or the barrier removed. Much less effort is required and the end result will be the same as if you broke through the barrier.
Consider, for example, breaking the sound barrier in air. removing the air or air friction against a jet. If the air around the jet could be pushed away from it in all direction, there would be no sonic boom, and no sound barrier.( nor would the engines work but it is just an example ) Present interstellar space vehicles all propose accelerating faster and faster with a set initial mass, which at speeds close to light causes an increase in mass and further energy requirements for acceleration. But the real question is, "What is reacting against the mass as we accelerate it?" What if a vehicle could decrease this reaction against acceleration? If the space ship decreases the initial mass to near zero, or imparts mass directly with kinetic energy, or the resistance to acceleration is removed, than the degree of acceleration can be extremly high and the speed of light barrier is of no consequence.
Mark Millis discusses advanced propulsion.
Rather than trying to force a ship against the light speed barrier by continuous acceleration, this system uses its modest energy to " decelerate " or reduce the resistance to acceleration to near zero, zero, or even negatively at which point the mass can "move" without resistance. This interstellar vehicle achieves this effect indirectly by controlling an intense pulsating electromagnetic field which effects the entire mass of the vehicle. This induces an electromagnetic field which is opposed to the generated electromagnetic field existing within vehicle. This gives difference in field potential will propel the spaceship without propellant. The starship indirectly controls the stress in the Space/Time around it.
By reducing your mass ( or more accurately in this case, the inertial reactance of the mass ) to zero the speed of light barrier becomes irrelevant. The energy requirement is simply the negative of total energy in the mass of the spaceship, which will be considerably less than infinity and entirely within the bounds of the electromagnetic energy storage capabilities of the starship. This is the real secret to interstellar travel.
Understanding LightMy discussion on the properties of light, if you missed it.
Interstellar Navigation Using Space Warps and Hyperspace
Figure 4
Alcubierre Warp Travel
In order to surmount the vast distance the entire method depends heavily on the relative relationship of electromagnetic fields to inertial frames of reference and the existence of a Unified Field throughout all Space/Time. Recently new theories and mathematical solutions have come to light in the physics institutions which are beginning to lay down the framework of these exact same relationships.
Figure 5
Hyperspace Travel in Two Dimensions
According to the modern theories of Miguel Alcubierre the type of space time manipulation pictured in figure 4 is theoretically possible dependant on a method "to create or negate mass." Hyperspace travel occurs as in figure 5, the field of the vehicle could focus energy in order to react more strongly with the harmonics of the destination space and thus draw it closer. The densities and ratios of planets and stars in space give them all a unique electromagnetodynamic spectrum. On one hand the overall mechanical impulse is pulling the destination space-time in the direction of the impulse, essentially creating a hole in the destination space. This attraction is reinforced by a repulsive force generated by a corresponding increase in energy in the space behind or surrounding the starship, essentially forcing the starship out of this space. ( In reality the distortion would not be linear as in figure 5 but four dimensional as in figure 6) Eventually this huge difference in energy will be released and by riding this huge release of energy or stress in space-time the starship can hop or jump from point to point, almost like a surfer rides a wave.
As can be seen in figure 5, the spaceship does not even need to travel through the intervening space between the two points. Rather than the present concept of teleportation, in which objects are dematerialized, transmitted and then rematerialized, the real means of teleportation or hyperspace travel is much simpler. With this interstellar system, two points in the universe can be made to exist simultaneously in the same Space/Time, and your destination is chosen merely by deciding which point you wish to exist in. The best way to describe this is like being here, and then being here and there at the same time, and then just being there. So the complex structure of the actual vehicle is maintained because no dematerialization occurs. The vehicle utilizes its immense inertial field control to manipulate space and time causing the distance and time normally associated with velocity to be manipulated.
The huge energy required to traverse the distance traveled in space is built up over time. In this manner the ship can be fed energy or build up its own energy while still in local space before it actually moves anywhere. The ship requires much more time to charge between jumps than the actual time it takes to make the jumps themselves. Possibly an easier way to consider this method of travel is to reconsider the speed of light barrier problem. Since this barrier says that as you approach it your mass and therefore energy requirements becomes infinite, what if the reverse concept was applied. Suppose you had a vehicle which could negate its own mass, or for all intensive purposes a vehicle that could behave and react with the universe, in the same manner as an individual photon of light.
A Brief Discussion on the Nature of Time
There are certain properties of time extremely relevant to interstellar propulsion. This discussion deserves an entire chapter in its own right, but this brief summary will have to suffice for now. Of all the fundamental Universal constructs, the mechanism and nature of Time is probably the most misunderstood. The media concepts and current explanations of travelling through time, the fourth dimension, paradoxes and relativity have led to this unnecessary complexity. Luckily, like the other fundamental forces and principles, a very good understanding of Time can be achieved through everyday examples and demonstrations. Like electricity, magnetism, and gravity, time is an important part of our everyday lives. In fact time defines what we perceive as reality, as much as the electric, magnetic or mechanical forces do. As you would expect, time and electromagnetodynamics are intimately related to one another. A better understanding of this relationship is required in order to grasp how time can be manipulated and controlled.Time is best defined by relativity theory, but how does relativity and time really influence our reality? Einstein himself once said that fewer than 10 people really understood what relativity theory implied. So beyond all the complex mathematics and theory there is a common sense explanation, which the complex mathematics attempts to model. In the context of relativity theory, time can be simplified to; time is a measure of change. These two entities, change and the changed, are not just relative to one another, they are defining characteristics, or a dimension of the Universe, the dimension of time. Without change, time no longer exists. Without something to change, time no longer exists. If there is no change, there is no movement, everything would appear stopped, and therefore we would no longer have any context within which to measure the passage of time. Relativity theory defines this fundamental concept of change, upon which the entire concept of dimensionality relies.
Space without Time cannot and does not exist. Likewise, Time without Space is meaningless. This is an important part of relativity theory and led to the use of the term Space/Time. Space/Time is, in actuality, a single entity within which the electromagnetodynamic field and time operate. It would be equally valid to call Space/Time, a unified field within which the electromagnetodynamic field and time are special cases. The electromagnetodynamic field potentials, require time and space for context, as they are dynamic, changing over time, and occupy a volume of space. Gravity or electromagnetodynamic fields changing in time, stress (or warp) Space/Time. Thus time is the fourth dimension, and space is defined by the three spacial dimensions (electric potential, magnetic potential, and mechanical potential). Thus Space/Time is considered a four dimensional entity in relativity theory.
The normal flow of time (your current perception of time), is best described as a difference between the rate of change you perceive and the rate of change actually occurring. To better explain let me provide some simple examples of how this directly applies to how you see in everyday life. As an observer, a human being is a very unique case. Most people are unaware of the processing speed of their own brains and how this effects their perception of time. What you most need to remember is, the human brain has a fixed or set speed at which it can process information. What this means is the brain can only process sensory information so fast (visual or otherwise). Things happening outside this range are not perceived, or are perceived in a much different way. If you look at a fan when it is off you cannot see what is behind the blades because the blades block your view. When the fan is running, you can see everything on the other side of the blades. Because they are moving too fast for your brain to perceive, your eyes instead see the background. You can think of an atom like a combination of many fan blades running at different speeds. Things moving too slowly (like a plant growing) or too fast (like a bullet) appear much differently to us, one seems not to not change at all, and the other we cannot even see. Only by either slowing the bullet down or speeding up the growth, can we observe the changes occurring. The time dimension has this quality, you can either go really fast or really slow, relative to your present time.
Television and movies make use of this fact. Television and movies work by flashing consecutive still images on a screen which the brain will perceive as a normal flow of time. This same principle applies to reality. Your perception of time depends entirely on how fast your brain can process the input it receives. If a movie is sped up or slowed down the observer sees time speed up or slow down. As always the reverse is also true. If the human brain were to be sped up or slowed down, again the observer would perceive a change in the flow of time. The objects, particles or atoms we perceive as solidity and stable reality are truly only waves of electromagnetodynamic energy changing or standing in time. Without time and space, atoms nor particles, nor anything for that matter has any context within which to exist. Time defines the reality you perceive, as much as the space you�re in and the objects around you, defines your reality.
Besides a little relativity and biology, a little more information is required to visualize how a machine could be made to travel the dimension of time. It has been shown on this website how the speed of light is related to the electromagnetodynamic potentials of space, but how does time relate to the speed of light? The observed constancy of the velocity of light in our Universe is due to a very simple fact, our Universe has a clock. In our Universe time is known to flow at a constant rate, this could be called the fundamental frequency of time, or the fastest transfer of electromagnetic energy possible. Everything changes and moves in time with this fundamental timing cycle of our Universe. The rate that time flows is a direct result of the speed of light. Almost like the speed of the movie film through the projector, except unlike a movie the equivalent frame rate of reality is many, many times faster. Let me provide an example to help visualize the concept.
There is a simple device known as a stroboscope which demonstrates how time operates. A stroboscope flashes a light on some rotating object. If flashed at the same rate as the rotating object, it can make it appear like the rotation stops. This is because the light will always shine on the object when it is in the same exact position (an auto timing light is a stroboscope). The fundamental timing pulse of the Universe is the same as the flashing light of the stroboscope. It defines what will be observed. This clocking of the Universe is an absolute necessity for ever changing patterns of electrodynamic energy to be observed as static, fixed, unchanging or stopped things (particles, atoms). The apparent solidity of matter is dependent entirely on the timing differences between the fundamental timing, the frequencies of the energy composing the matter, the frequencies of the local space around the matter and the rate of change the observer can actually perceive. The timing differences between different regions of space, separate and define those regions of space. Just like if two fans spinning at very different rates are brought together they will collide, yet if they are in sync, spinning together in perfect timing, they can be brought together and even passed through one another. Timing is everything in our Universe.
So how does the speed of light limit the speed of a starship, and how does time figure into all this? If you could somehow get a starship to travel exactly at the speed of light, you would completely lose your connection to your local �clock�, and would cease to exist in the flow of time of the Universe. If you�re travelling as fast as the flow of reality (the flow of time), then the flow of reality would appear to stop (time would stop). The same as two cars travelling the same speed appear stationary to each other. This would not be a pleasant experience for our would be interstellar space traveller. The astronaut would loose his sense of time, possibly experiencing an eternity over seconds. Each region or volume of Space has a unique flow of time, depending on the degree of electromagnetic field and kinetic energy within that Space. The ammount of electromagnetic field and kinetic energy determine the rate at which time will flow in this volume of Space. A interstellar traveller must travel not only a huge distance through Space, but he must adapt himself to the different flow of time in his new destination. This is simalar to adjusting the human body to differences in altitude.
This is not really a bad thing for would be interstellar explorers, or for life in general. Time and electromagnetodynamics are directly related, so any changes in one dimension will always have corresponding effects in the other dimensions. If you increase the electromagnetodynamic stress in a volume of space, you will decrease the speed of light through that space, thus slowing time. Likewise a region of space lacking electromagnetodynamic potential allows the space to change faster (closer to the speed of light) and time flows faster. Our normal flow of time is primarily due to the changing electromagnetodynamic fields of the Earth. The Sun, Moon, and Earth are very dense regions of stress, able to warp space and thus slow time. In fact a normal clock will run faster if in orbit around Earth than if on the surface. Because of these stresses, light never follows a straight, direct path but is slightly bent by the stresses in the space it travels through. For the photon of light, no time passes. Thus time for us on Earth flows much slower than it potentially could. If not limited in this fashion, everything would happen at the speed of light, and every event would occur at once. The Universe would end as soon as it began. We are used to the specific flow of time which exists around our Earth.
However, this warpage or stress is never static. Our Earth follows a very dynamic path through the Universe. It rotates, orbits the Sun, and the Sun and entire solar system are on a trajectory through our Galaxy. All this momentum( mass and energy ) must be taken into account to navigate Space/Time. The distance you wish to travel through hyperspace requires the difference in electromagnetodynamic potentials between the departure and arrival points. Those potentials also define where and when in Space/Time those points exist, and what the local speed of light is (flow of time) in that particular volume of Space/Time. Therefore a spaceship must have the ability to manipulate electromagnetodynamic field on the same scale of a planet. To better explain; A starship needs to simulate the fields between stars, an interplanetary ship would need to simulate the fields between planets. The starship could still not ever travel faster than the Universal speed of light or Universal clock speed, but could travel faster or slower than the local normal flow of time we are aware of. That is, the starship could overpower the local clock signal by creating its own isolated clock, and a thus a new dynamic path through space.
Again, although impossible to travel the Universal speed of light, we can manipulate our local perception of the flow of time. It actually does not take much energy at all to travel outside the normal flow of time. It is more of a shift or change in the timing of the energy/matter in relation to the Earth's own energy/matter (a phase shift).
High Power Electromagnetic Induction Drive Utilizing Lorentz Forces
In order to acheive induction drive, as much of the mass of the vehicle as possible, must reside within the powerful electromagnetic field created by the vehicle. It is well known the electric field of a capacitor or condensor, resides entirely between the plates composing the capcitor. Likewise, the magnetic field of a torus or toroidial coil, resides entirely with the coil of the toroid. Thus if we need a system for containing an electromagnetic field, some combination of capacitor and toroidial coil are ideally suited to this task.
Magnetic Field of Torus
Top View
The entire vehicle should be built, within the capacitive plates producing the electric field component of the propulsion system. In this fashion the electric field applied to these capacitive elements, will effect the entire volume and mass of the vehicle. Again, the vehicle is built entirely within the plates or surfaces from which extend the electric field. Likewise, we wish to have a magnetic field which effects the entire volume of the craft. As a safety issue to possible human occupants, we may not want the full magnetic field strength to effect the entire vehicle. The one inductor drive makes a compromise here, with a larger percentage of the magnetic field being stored within the toroidial coil than in the total remaining volume of the craft. Although the toroid makes the perfect magnetic field containment device we are looking for, there is one drawback to its use. Since it is a closed electrical circuit, it cannot be directly connected to the capacitive elements of the vehicle, as a true LC circuit.
The central pole or main pole or single inductor, serves the purpose of coupling the toroid to the capacitance in the one inductor drive. Any current flow through this single inductor, does produce a magnetic field around the single inductor. The current flow in the single inductor is related to the electrical charge in the capcitive element, thus the stength of electrical field is directly related to the magnetic field strength of the single inductor, as in any capacitor/inductor circuit. However, the single inductor also induces current flow in the toroidial coil surounding the single inductor. Thus through the single inductor's magnetic coupling to the toroidial coil, transfer of electrical energy can be made to the toroidial coil. The most interesting feature of this arrangement is due to the feature of all toroidal magnetic fields. This energy can be pumped in, but the magnetic field of the toroid cannot leave the toroid, so it can act as a magnetic storage. The magnetic field inside the toroidial coil can be many orders of magnitude greater than that produced by the single inductor alone. Since the magnetic fields of the toriod, single inductor and even the magnetic field produced by the capacitive elements all coincide, their magnetic fields all reinforce one another.
Anyone familiar with capacitive/inductive circuits will immediatly realize this device has a natural resonant electromagnetic frequency, as it is exactly the same as a simple RLC radio circuit. We can clarify the difference between this circuit and that of a normal radio circuit; In this design the inductive coil is physically inside or inbetween the capacitive plates, the relative sizes of each being modified to accomplish this. Furthermore, if we were to continue to add other radio elements, such as a rectifier, amplifier and power source as would be required in a functional circuit. The entire functionality of this device, necessitates these elements would also need to reside, within the volume of the capacitive elements. To further clarify this, we can say any electromagnetic induction drive vehicle, cannot be significantly larger in volume, than the capacitive elements creating the induced electric field component. The mass of the vehicle, its power source, navigation, payload, and pilots or occupants, must all be within the electric field created by the vehicle. Since in this example the electrical field is created by two large metal plates, the vehicle would be built within these plates, the capacitive plates themselves defining the volume and shape of the vehicle.
An Example of an Electromagnetic Resonator from Dr. Feynman
We can further analyze the flow of energy in this arrangement. Induction space drives require electrical energy, an amount which depends on the overall efficiency of the design( how much energy is actuall converted into propulsive force). Explaining how electrical power is actually used in the craft will show the high efficiencies possible. In order to operate the One Inductor Drive requires a repeated high direct current pulse supplied to the single inductor, so as the top( or one end ) of the single inductor becomes positivly charged and the other negatively. This charge is then passed to the capacative plates. The charging and discharging within the device is akin to the stretching of an elastic membrane and the relaxation or return to normal. In the case of this device the impulses stretch the membrane a little further with each pulse, never allowing it to completely return to normal, so that a high static charge is developed. Although a direct current impulse is supplied to the main pole, the resultant current flow in the single inductor and toroid will end up being an alternating current, at the natural resonance of the system. There will exist in the toroid a standing electromagnetic wave, which can be pumped to great intensity by the magnetic impulses applied from the single inductor ( if these match this natural resonance ). The current carrying capacity of the toroidial coil is the only limiting factor to the amount of electromagnetic energy which can be pumped into it. Using existing technology applied in the manner described, we have the capability to contain huge amounts of electromagnetic energy ( approximately millions of volts and up to 25 T )and at reasonably high frequencies ( 1-1000 MHz ).
Careful re-examination of Mr. Faraday's Simple Mercury Motor leads to a more generalized expresion of the Lorentz force..
Faraday's Simple Mercury Motor Experiment
Link to a modern replication of
Faraday's Simple Mercury Motor
The key principle to understanding the propulsion of an an induction drive is the Lorentz Force.
The Right Hand Rule
We are not only interested in the creation of a powerful electromagnetic field within the vehicle, but these electromagnetic components must posses a specific spatial orientation as well. As currently defined in the physics community the Lorentz force is defined as, "Any electric field in space will have an associated magnetic field orientated at 90 degrees to it and this arrangement of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields will produce a force, which is itself 90 degrees to both the electric and magnetic field." This is the right hand motor rule of which every physicist or electrician is familiar. To enlighten one further, simply apply the right hand motor rule to the case of a single current carrying conductor in Faraday's simple motor. The force produced in such a simple case is in the same direction as the magnetic field, hence for Faraday's simple motor the wire rotates in the mercury dish. This force exists for every electromagnetic field in the entire Universe.
For example: The predicted direction of this force for the electromagnetic fields of a photon of light, is conveniently in the direction of propogation. This is true even though the electromagnetic field of a photon is alternating.Even though the electric and magnetic fields alternate, the resultant force is unidirectional. This counter-intuitive concept was used by Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard to design an Alternating Current Conduction Pump in which alternating electromagnetic fields produce unidirectional flow. ( Try it with the right hand rule. If you switch the direction of both the electric and magnetic fields, the resultant force will still point in the same direction ) We can see a visual example of this in the following animation. Although the electromagnetic field is in rotation, the lorentz force produced remains contstant and unchanging. This is a special electromagnetic case, of which light is a perfect example.
Figure 1.
A rotating electromagnetic field produces a unidirectional, constant Lorentz force.
Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard's Alternating Current Magnetohydrodynamic Conduction Pump
By applying these electromagnetodynamic or magnetohydrodynamic principles to the one inductor drive, we begin to see how propulsive force is created. The magnetic field in the toroid is essentially traveling in a circular path and the resultant current induced in its windings is like wise in the same circular path. The electric field in the coil is induced always 90 degress out of phase of the magnetic field inducing it ( current lags voltage or vice versa ). So we have a rotating electric field or current and a rotating or circular magnetic field, in which both are 90 degrees out of phase with each other. By calculating the Lorentz force due to this arrangement of electromagnetic fields we deduce the force produced is 90 degrees to both the electric and magnetic componenets, or the force induced will be in the direction of the central axis of the toroid. It must be clarified here that not all intense electromagnetic fields will produce a propulsive force. It is only when the electric field and magnetic field are perpendicular or ninety degrees out of phase. The arrangement of the electromagnetic field within the vehicles volume, especially the spatial relationship of the electric field to the electromagnetic field, are extremely critical to the inductive drive system. In simple terms, the electric and magnetic fields rotate in the same plane, but one follows the other. We are recreating the exact same field effect as in Figure 1 above, but without distinct magnets or electrical circuits. This is the beauty of the One Inductor Drive. Its simplicity, hides a complicated interplay of electromagnetic fields and forces. If we regress from the One Inductor Drive to a multiple inductor drive system, the rotating electromagnetic field component becomes very obvious. Realize, the One Inductor Drive is a logical simplification of a this multiple induction drive design. Induction drives using multiple inductors are operating on exactly the same propulsion effect as a single inductor drive, but this underlying mechanism is not as obvious from the one inductor design. We can say the One Inductor Drive design uses a much more elegant means to generate the required rotating electromagnetic field.
Creation of a Rotating Contained Electromagnetic Field using multiple inductors for an Induction Space Drive
Relationship of Inertia or Momentum and the Electromagnetic Field of a Photon of Light
Since any Lorentz force would be related to the magnetic field intensity and current strength in the toroid, which can be pumped to very high levels, the force produced can be made very intense as well. If the frequencies employed are higher than the hearing threshold of a human, the pulses or device can be made to operate in silence( except for coronal noise or a slight hissing or humming sound ) and the force would appear relatively constant. In operation the device would likewise give of a luminous glow due to the ionization or atmospheric exitement caused by the high potential of the electrostatic field created around the drive system. The goal of the one inductor drive system is to minimize electromagnetic radiation. Although high frequency electromagnetic energy is used to power the system, the device will work most efficiently when this energy is contained within the volume of the system, and not radiated into space. The one inductor drive, utlizes magnetic induction within itself to amplify the power levels, but relies on electrostatic induction to influence the external environment.
Since the electromagnetic field has a body nature, (where it effects all the space it occupies at the speed of light), the electromagnetodynamic force produced is likewise of a body nature( where it affects all mass within the field essentially simultaneously ). In this manner, at the high impulse frequencies and powers, the force becomes very similar to inertia. This demonstrates a relationship between electromagnetism and inertia or gravity. Gravity could thus be considered a special case of the more general lorentz force of the electromagnetic fields occuping all space/time( especially when the electromagnetic field is travelling in an angular fashion). All photons have a measure of momentum( inertia's simplist unit is the Poiynting vector of a photon )and when this single unit of momentum is concentrated sufficiently it becomes mass ( by a form of constructive angular harmonic augmentation ) and therefore a gravitational field will exist.( the electromagnetic field is confined due to a rotational/angular Poynting vector ) Gravity is the attraction of all inertia forces to all other inertial forces, especially when the inertial field in question is significantly dense or of an angular nature.
Creation of High Intensity Electromagnetic Standing Waves in a Toiroidial Coil
Utilizing Repetetive Inductive Impulses From A Single Magnetic Inductor and Capacitance
There is no rewrite of modern physics required to understand and implement this revolutionary form of propulsion. It is based on a generalized understanding of existing electromagnetodynamic theory. Simply put, the device can be said to travel near light speed by becoming like light. The vehicle incorporates the same interactions of fields and forces which allow light to travel so quickly throughout space or an electron so quickly through a wire. The concept of Induction Drive for Space exploration using a specific configuration of electromagnetic components offers a relativly simple means to generate huge propulsive fields suitable for the exploration of extreme distances in space and mastery of gravity. However, it is here noted that the One Inductor Drive represents only one means to create an induction type of space drive. There exist many other methods, some simpler, some more complex which can physically demonstrate this same effect.
Small Scale Test Apparatus for Propulsion System
A = Signal/Frequency Generator B = Primary Control Circuitry/ Safety / Measurement / Initial Signal Amplification C = Primary Step Up Transformer D = Main Signal Amplification E = Secondary Step Up Transformer ( 1 MV @ 10 KVA, 10KHz- 100MHz, DC Out ) F = Launch Platform/ Base G = Small Test Vehicle H = Input Power from Local Grid J = Operator K = Breakaway Power Supply to Test Vehicle Capable of launching small Sputnik style satelite. Single shot and not recoverable. Test Vehicle does not contain its own power source other than for guidance.
Understanding LightIf you want to travel as fast as possible through space,
you have to have a vehicle that behaves like light. A discussion of electromagnetic field theory.
you have to have a vehicle that behaves like light. A discussion of electromagnetic field theory.
Magnetohydrodynamic Ship PropulsionMoving ships through sea water with electromagnetic fields.
External Evidence for Electromagnetic Field Propulsion
At the top of the list William J. Cooper's Motional Electric Theory.
If any physicists fails to recognize the significance of this document, then he is blind and a fool.
New Horizons In Electric, Magnetic & Gravitational Field Theory - William J. Cooper. (html)
If any physicists fails to recognize the significance of this document, then he is blind and a fool.
New Horizons In Electric, Magnetic & Gravitational Field Theory - William J. Cooper. (html)
Interstellar Propulsion Research: Realistic Possibilities and Idealistic Dreams
Prospects for a Breakthrough in Field Dependent Propulsion. A.C. Holt. NASA Johnson Space Center
Sponsored By:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Sponsored By:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
NASA Induction Ring Design
From the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Toroidial Plasma Thruster for
Interplanetary and Interstellar Space Flights
Interplanetary and Interstellar Space Flights
and the comic book version!
A great 5 part interview of Finnish scientist Eugene Podkletnov and his ideas about gravity manipulation.
Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity
"Nikola Tesla's dynamic theory of gravity was an attempt to ascertain a theory between gravitational radiation and the electromagnetic force as a unified field theory (a model over matter and energy). No mathematical details of the theory are available, nor is there any evidence that Tesla ever worked them out. The most documented part is Tesla's critique of Einstein's theory of relativity - at the time of his announcement, it was considered by the scientific establishment to exceed the bounds of reason. Nowadays it is simply ignored.The theory was developed initially between 1892 and 1894, during the period that he was conducting experiments with high frequency and high potential electromagnetism, and was never published. Though these principles guided his future research and experiments, Tesla did not announce it until near the end of his life.
Tesla published a prepared statement on his 81st birthday (July 10, 1937) critiquing Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. The following is a portion of that statement:
Real Photo of Tesla's Power Transmission Tower at Wardencliff
Note the two story powerplant building
behind the base of the tower.
My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.
While this statement asserted that Tesla had "worked out a dynamic theory of gravity" that he soon hoped to give to the world, he reportedly died before he publicized the details. Few details were revealed by Tesla about his theory.
As an alternative to Einstein's general relativity, Tesla's theory was supposed to explain gravity using electrodynamics. Details of Tesla's theory that are available consist of basic arguments against space being curved by gravitational effects, which leads some to believe Tesla failed to understand Einstein's theory is not about curved space at all, but curved space-time. There is disagreement about Tesla's exact understanding of Einstein's theories, as Tesla was actively conducting his research during the time of Einstein's research.
The principles of relativity which Tesla disputed show up in very broad range of effects and have been confirmed by numerous experiments. For instance, the relativistic relation between mass and energy, which Tesla did not accept, shows up in a variety of phenomena:
The mass deficit of atomic nuclei, i.e. that atomic nuclei weigh less than the sum of their parts The energy released by particle-antiparticle collisions and absorbed by particle-antiparticle pair creation (annihilation) The increasing inertial mass of particles in accelerators, when their velocity goes near light speed.
[edit]External links and references Tesla, Nikola, "Prepared Statement of Tesla (". July 10, 1937. (Interview with press on 81st birthday observance; DOC format) The Man Who Invented the Twentieth Century: Nikola Tesla, Forgotten Genius of Electricity, Robert Lomas, Headline Book Publishing, 1999. ISBN 0747262659 Retrieved from "" "
More Pictures of Tesla's Proposed World Wireless Tower
Nikola Tesla's Electrostatic Flying Machine/Missle
Nikola Tesla's Rotating Magnetic Field Machines
Nikola Tesla's Coil Designs
How Tesla Proposed to Fly Without Wings, Electrically.
The mechanism Tesla likely used for his flying machine without wings
Multiple Tesla coils create an extremely high electrostatic charge on the outside of the vehicle. By firing these Tesla coils in rapid succesion, a powerful, rapidly rotating electrostatic field is created. The key realization required to understad how this produces lift, is to realize the rotation speed in nearly limitless, because no real mechanical rotation is occuring in the vehicle. Furthermore, the electrostatic field acts on a far greater volume of air, than any wing, propellor or rotor can. Thus there is not only sufficient force for lift, but much greater performance and lifting capacitiy per input horsepower than any standard aircraft.
Nikola Tesla's Laboratory in Colorado Springs.
An example of an extremely cheap and simple Tesla Coil setup.
Bottles were used by Tesla in his Colorado Springs laboratory.
The method of interstellar travel published on this website does not specifically use the principles mentioned in this article, although they do play a role in its operation. This article is presented as a clarification with which to judge the differences and similarities between the proposed method and those of this unique subject.There exists a great deal of information on the internet concerning the idea of "electrogravity." Electrogravity basically concerns the use of a relationship between electricity and gravity. It is hoped that such a relationship, if it exists, will lead to a new form of interstellar travel. This article will cover the major ideas and contributors to this field.
The most common devices to use what has been termed electrogravity are the electrostatic ion wind type devices. The device known online as the "Lifter" falls into this category. Although the designers of the "lifter" claim to use electrogravity and some undiscovered principle related to the work of Townsend Brown, it does not. These lifting devices depend entirely on the entrainment of neutral air in an ionic wind produced by the high voltage involved in operation of the device. Lifters would not produce any significant thrust in outer space, so are completely unsuitable for a space vehicle
Ionic Wind Propulsion
Ionocraft Video
The true nature of the force produced in Townsends Brown devices is more accurately described, as he himself put it, "stress in dielectrics." When any insulating material is placed in a strong electric field, especially of high potential, the charge is stored in a capacitor as "stress in the dielectric." This can be loosely visualized as a physical distortion of the shape of the atoms making up the dielectric material between the capacitors conducting plates.
Magnetic Field Around
The nucleus of the atoms comprising the dielectric are many times more massive than the electron clouds. Thus when Mr. Brown first energizes his device he notices a strong impulse which is due essentially to the internal shift in atomic mass ( or dielectric stress ) when the high voltage is initially applied. As the atoms restore their equilibrium the effect wears off. Through experimentation Mr. Brown realized by discharging and charging his devices repeatedly at high rates he could create an essentially uniform force. The impulses due to the shift in mass could be repeated at very high rate of repetition which would appear as a uniform acceleration and if of sufficient magnitude able to levitate and propel his device.
This can be seen as a true space drive if one comes to the realization that the space occupied by and spatial position of the atoms is defined primarily by their fields. The electromagnetic fields of any mass play a huge role in defining the objects relationship to its environment, its position, and its velocity. When the inertial properties of mass are altered or manipulated by intense electromagnetic energy, the mass and inertia of the mass will change. The space in front of the Gravitor is pulled into the device while its density or charge is increased behind the device.
Magnetic Field in an Electric Field
The distortion of the electron cloud
around an atom in electric field
Thus the form of Electrogravity which was discovered by Mr. Brown can work in a complete vacuum, and even more efficiently so, because electrical energy isn't lost through ionization. This is evident from his patents in which he repeatedly mentions the fact the force is not continous but is most powerful at the instant of application of potential and then decreases over time. The electron wind effect is actually a loss for the Townsend brown Gravitor device! It is interesting to note that the work of Townsend Brown seems to suggest that gravitational attraction on Earth is not due to a steady acceleration but to a frequency of impulse. This would suggest some simple experimentation to either prove or disprove this claim.
Although numerous other works have been published on Electrogravity, the work of Townsend Brown is considered to be the most all inclusive and scientifically based. Look up United States Patent # 3, 187, 206 patented June 1, 1965 for a look at one of Mr. Brown's designs. Some of his patents and detailed explanations of the operation of his devices are linked below:
A Toy which demonstrates the only method of levitation using permanent magnets
The Levitron( An example of combining mechanical rotation and magnetic fields.
Note the mechanical orientation and magnetic field
are out of phase with each other by 90 degrees.)
The Levitron( An example of combining mechanical rotation and magnetic fields.
Note the mechanical orientation and magnetic field
are out of phase with each other by 90 degrees.)
Another serious study on the ability of electromagnetic fields to manipulate inertia.
Propellantless Propulsion by Electromagnetic Inertia Manipulation.
Experiment and Study
By Hector Hugo Brito
Propellantless Propulsion by Electromagnetic Inertia Manipulation.
Experiment and Study
By Hector Hugo Brito
This is the definitive manual on building an electrogravitic vehicle. Want the technical details? This paper explains it all, with the mathematics to back it up.
*** Advanced Electro Magnetic Propulsion Craft with Fully Invisible Stealth Technology *** AEMPCWFIST ***
*** Advanced Electro Magnetic Propulsion Craft with Fully Invisible Stealth Technology *** AEMPCWFIST ***
An excellent design utilizing a Fusor power source, capable of launching payloads into space as well as traversing much further distances. Faster, more efficient, safer, than a rocket.
A Article Outlining The Advantages of Discoid
Geometry for MagnetoAeroDynamic Propulsion In Atomosphere
Magnetoaerodynamic Propulsion for Exploration of
Atomosphere Bearing Planetary Bodies
Geometry for MagnetoAeroDynamic Propulsion In Atomosphere
Magnetoaerodynamic Propulsion for Exploration of
Atomosphere Bearing Planetary Bodies
The original patent for the "Flame Jet Generation" technique, otherwise known as an Electrokinetic Generator.
Townsend Brown Electrokinetic Generator
Townsend Brown Electrokinetic Generator
A Battery using Nuclear Radiation and an Electret
Nuclear Electret Battery
Nuclear Electret Battery
Thomas Townsend Brown developed a gravito/electric battery.
Which converted gravitational potential into electrical potential using a specially designed electret.
Townsend Brown battery
Which converted gravitational potential into electrical potential using a specially designed electret.
Townsend Brown battery
Transient Electromagnetodynamic Fields
in a HV Asymetric Capacitor
I appreciate the added publicity, but you should provide the source of this information.